resource for human life!
HSCMT wants to be a reliable compant for the improvement
of human life based on cumulative experiences and having
edge technology.

resource for human life!
HSCMT wants to be a reliable compant for the improvement
of human life based on cumulative experiences and having
edge technology.

resource for human life!
HSCMT wants to be a reliable compant for the improvement
of human life based on cumulative experiences and having
edge technology.

Using ultrasonic measurement technology as a window, ultrasonic measurement and flow rate,
pressure and water level measurement sensors have been developed and greatly increased in Korea.
- Battery-powered
- Ultrasonic water meter
- Ultrasonic heat meter
- Multipath ultrasonic
- Electromagnetic
- Lever meter
- Field instrumentation
ultrasonic water meterAQUA-W is a low-power real-time measurement water meter completed
with domestic precise and reliable technology.
It is an intelligent, multi-purpose integral meter with additional
functions such as remote communication and
pressure and temperature measurement.
Ultrasonic water meter
UR-1000W ultrasonic water meters are developed especially for water flow
measurement and consist of a flow measurement unit including an ultrasonic
sensor and a calculation unit for calculating the flow velocity and flow rate.
Ultrasonic heat meter
EnerRay ultrasonic heat meters combine ICT technology to collect/analyze data
from caloric networks to support decision-making and maintain/manage caloric
networks efficiently and sustainably anywhere in daily life.
Multipath ultrasonic flowmeter
An integrated body of ultrasonic technology by completely localizing and
securing the source technology for the first time in Korea.
Electromagnetic flowmeter
MF-Series magnetic flowmeters for this process
flowmeters are high-precision and high-reliability products
ith continually improved performance.
Lever meter
These precise lever meters are a water level measurement
system that measures the distance from the reference point
at the top to the water surface using acoustics, ultrasonic waves,
and radar to minimize measurement errors.
Field instrumentation
A system that assembles and organically combines switches,
disconnectors, measuring instruments, relays and
other instruments necessary for control, monitoring, and protection,
including cases for installing and protecting